CFP: Volume 3

Over the last few years, increasing conversations have taken place within the field of Old English studies in relation to the use of the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’, with a focus on its racist history.

 In contrast to early English studies, Old Norse studies has yet to experience a similar critical evaluation of our field’s history. Discussions of Old Norse studies’ political ramifications tend to focus on emergent Scandinavian nationalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as the Nazi party’s cultivation of Norse iconography in their aesthetic and political values. The popular ‘misuse’ of Scandinavian history and symbols by current far-right and white supremacist groups has also been discussed. Yet the deployment of Old Norse studies for politically violent and exclusionary ends both within and without the scholarly community demands further critical attention. 

Given the need for this conversation, we are seeking articles that critically explore the politics of Norse studies. Some potential subjects for articles include the historiography of a certain topic, Norse medievalism, and the modern uses of our field, citation practices, and/or pedagogy and outreach. Non-themed submissions will also be considered, so please submit any work that fits our general remit of discussions of gender, queerness, or marginalised Others. We seek relevant articles of 4000–6000 words and conference reports of conferences attended between Summer 2020 and Summer 2021.

As an interdisciplinary journal, articles can be from any relevant field, including, but not limited to: History, Literature, Archaeology, History of Religion, Reception Studies, and Art History. In order to submit, you must either currently be a student, or have graduated from your programme in the previous three academic years. Students can be any level from BA to PhD. 

The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2021. To submit, read further information, and see our stylesheet, please visit our website at   For questions and inquiries, please email the General Editor, Amy Jefford Franks, at


Open Position: Book Reviewer